Monday, 25 June 2007


Tameshigiri means test cutting. Traditionally it was a means of determining a blade's sharpness and cutting ability. Today, it's probably the ultimate test of iaido technique and concentration. As you can see, the blades are bloody sharp!

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Do we value democracy so cheaply?

Since coming to office, Tony Blair’s Labour Party has caused irreparable damage to the British way of life and to our standing in the world community. From crime, to education, the health service, social justice, immigration and foreign policy, we have had plentiful promises but little else. Despite being constantly bombarded with dubious facts and figures to the contrary, it is most people’s experience that life under Labour has not improved and has in fact got much worse in many key areas. Many people feel completely disenfranchised by a political system driven by spin, half-truths and poorly-conceived legislation. Incompetence, arrogance and complete indifference to the will of the people appear to have replaced our democracy. The recent example of the ridiculous Olympic logo that has made our country a laughing stock around the world is a classic example, but one could also cite the HIPS fiasco, the cash for honours enquiry and of course the disastrous war in Iraq – an unforgivable act that has left a foul and bloody stain on our national pride that will take a generation or more to expunge. The reins of power are about to be handed over to an individual with no democratic mandate, no clear policies, no international experience and a worrying reputation for his totalitarian management style.

Given the woeful track record of the last ten years, and the worrying prospects for the future under Brown, I feel that we, the people of Britain, should be given the opportunity to exercise our democratic right to determine our leaders. I think we have the right to demand a General Election, to be called immediately after Blair’s departure.

Please take the time to visit my petition Here