Wednesday 25 June 2008

As one journey ends…

Life is a journey. Some of the junctions and intersections we run across during that journey are kind of incidental; some are a bit more substantial. With our relocation to Japan fast approaching, I feel like we’ve reached the end of one part of our journey as a family, and the beginning of another. Now Little M has gone back, Big M and I have a bit more time to reflect [i.e. go to the pub!] on the last few years and ponder about what might be in store for the next part of our life together. There’s plenty of good times ahead, I feel sure. But at the moment we are savouring the last few weeks of our time in Merrie Old England. It’s been a remarkable adventure for the girls and an experience that has, I’m sure, changed them in ways that they don’t even realise yet. My adventure is yet to come. But as much as I feel certain I will miss England in the Summertime, I am looking forward to being able to share that experience with my dear family. I hope to be able to learn and grow as they have done.

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