Saturday 5 April 2008

Sensei Beerhound - gulp that's a scary thought

Yesterday was an important milestone in my martial arts career. For the first time, I was invited to teach a class. It was a scary, but immensely gratifying experience. I don't consider myself to be particularly knowledgable or skillful, so I was flattered that the dojo leader thought I was worthy of sharing what little knowledge I have. Hopefully I didn't display my ignorance or steer those students too much in a wrong direction. I have the opportunity next week to join two more classes, so I look forward to leading another couple of sessions.

The satisfaction I feel is not really related to my personal ego, but rather to the honour and joy that comes from sharing the skills and traditions of my school. It's so much a part of my life now I think think of Eishin ryu iaido not as something that I do, but as something that I am. If I can convey a little of that feeling - even through my clumsy unrefined technique - I'd be happy.

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